olympic strange days treasure hunt

2 free tickets

Welcome to the 2024 Olympic Strange Days Treasure Hunt. This is your chance to not onLy challenge your mind and body, but potentially uncover 2 free tickets for our sold out event Sept. 26-29th 2024. By taking part in this voluntary treasure hunt, you are doing so at your own risk and are not obligated to participate. By continuing forward with the treasure hunt, you are agreeing to accept liability for harm, injury and financial loss due to the nature of the locations described throughout the quest. With that said, happy hunting!!!

Before you begin, you will need a few things to participate in the 3 stages of each map. Let’s make sure you are prepared and up to the challenge!



3.mapping system: Google/Apple/ON-X/ect.

4.understanding of latitude and longitude: How to input on maps for specific start points

5.hiking gear suggestions: water/flashlight/comfortable shoes/snack/charged phone/pen/paper

6.predator protections: suggested, given some of these locations are in the wild

7.printed copy of maps/videos or screen recordings/screen captures

8.basic search engine skills for decoding a very beneficial cypher

main map #1

“PIG PEN” cypher FOR DETAIls

Between a fort and castle ghost, but near a bell and holy host

your watchful gaze will show the way, hear the choir while you pray

the sun redeems the darkened pew, through this symbol’s native view



bring your gear

Head uphill on the overgrown road, you wind and climb so lighten your load

small brushy paths are on your right, up to the 7th in right plain site

You’ll know the way because the clue, your way begins with 2 trees woven through

Push past nature but watch your step, tread light & discrete where this next clue is kept

with the cliff to your right where the ground meets the sky, don’t walk too close unless you can fly

Walk right under the shroom riddled timber, get ready to shrink and be ever limber

The dark stone hall is tight for the nimble, bravely step through and search for the symbol

Once you pass you’re now on a hump, walk 13 steps and left at the stump

Off trail you pace 30 more largely footed, look for fallen clue darkly rooted

a symbol is your quest’s final dash, please leave the tied clue for others to pass

THe end is near


2 tickets “below”

This ONCE olD and welcomed home, is now forgotten ALL ALONE

BUT some still visit this old hood, they speak a language not understood


5/19/24 8:01 PM


If by night you make your way, the same applies just light your stay

white orbs will get you near, point your torch and let them steer

stroll past rocks and wetted wood, to see the X they built for good

a pond nearby is right below, just follow past to an orchid grow

atop large stones planted trees bloom, look beyond for a tickets tomb

humans & others covered in hair, all climb atop the staircase to nowhere

Your almost done just don’t give in, a big clues left on the pig pen

congratulations to one an all, once it’s solved just give a call


EMAIL olympicstrangedays@gmail.com